Friday, November 4, 2016

Intestinal Parasite cures

Seeds, Spices, and Oil kill parasites!

  • Pumpkin, sunflower and sesame seeds are known to kill and/or “stun” parasites.
  • Papaya seeds (in combination with honey) kill/remove parasites.
  • Garlic and onions are high in amino acids which contains sulfur; thus the strong odor. Sulfur is deadly to parasites.
  • Grapeseed oil and coconut oil are both known for their anti-parasitic properties.
  • Cayenne Pepper and Turmeric are both anti-parasitic AND anti-inflammatory, and can help heal damage to your gut caused by parasites.
This blew me away!
So I made a gourmet snack with my new seed appetite!
I bought raw pumpkin and papaya seeds and covered them with grapeseed oil. I sprinkled them with garlic, sea salt, cayenne pepper, and turmeric, and baked them for about 10 minutes in a 350-degree oven.

Another -
#1 Black walnut (250 milligrams 3x daily)Has been used historically for the treatment of parasites. (2)
#2 Wormwood (200milligrams 3x daily)It’s known for its anti-parasitic properties. (3)
#3 Oregano Oil (500 milligrams 4x daily)Oregano oil has antibacterial and anti-parasitic effects. (4)
#4 Grapefruit seed extract (take as directed)Has anti-parasitic effects. (5)
#5 Clove Oil (500 mg 4x daily or 4 cups of tea)Clove oil kills off parasites and other invading organisms. (6)
I recommend you do about two weeks of a parasite cleanse, taking these supplements, then take a week off and jump back on for two more weeks. That protocol is as important as taking the supplements.